• 全館滿2000元免運

匯永實業股份有限公司設立於西元1987年,以水產加工為主,本公司擁有完善的生產線(生魚片、調理魚排、魚鬆),並陸續通過CAS、ISO22000、HACCP、HALAL等多項嚴格的食品認證,從原料採購到加工處理,所有製程都有專業品管人員嚴格控管。同時並創立『海裕屋』形象品牌,獲得高雄十大伴手禮及水產精品獎等多個官方獎項。 我們的核心價值是提供新鮮的產品給客戶,更明白唯有如此才能滿足消費者的需求,進而互相成長並創造榮景![Eat fresh! Eat healthy] 是我們的信念,絕對讓你吃的健康、吃出安心。我們的經營理念:「品質第一、追求卓越」。我們秉持著這堅定的信念,只提供新鮮衛生的優質產品。 [Huei-Young Enterprise] was founded in 1987 and located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. In order to enhance our efficiency and adopt food safety standard, we started to build our new factory site in 2011 and moved to the new factory in June, 2012. Nowadays, We are an ISO 22000, HACCP, CAS and HALAL certified factory. Huei-Young's goal is to deliver fresh product to our client since we believe only the fresh Products can satisfy their needs and be competitive in the market. [Eat fresh, Eat healthy] is our core value and our belief. All of our raw materials are strictly regulated, and we have quality control check point in every production process. Huei-Young Enterprise have gained great reputation in the seafood industry for years. Our client includes airline kitchens, food processors, franchised restaurants, hospital kitchen, and etc. We always guaranteed we can satisfy our clients with fresh and quality products.
